Service Scouts is a licensed private investigation firm expanding mystery shopping, business consulting and training services into Nevada and offering background checks, pre-employment
screening, employee fraud investigation and more. Learn more about how Service Scouts
can help protect your company with our new Private Investigation services. NV License # 2604
Background Checks Service Scouts can perform background checks and asset searches. Certified with the FCRA, our detectives are experts in conducting thorough background checks. Our recovered data provides employers with critical information that can be used when choosing to hire, partner, or collaborate with another individual in any capacity.
Pre-employment Screening Although most businesses have high standards, they are also challenged by limited resources and frequently need to move quickly when the time comes to make a hire, yet each applicant and employee adds business and security risk. Fortunately, Service Scouts can perform pre-employment screening on applicants and employees is an effective way to discover potential issues that could affect your business.
Employee Fraud Investigation Statistics prove a typical organization loses five percent of its revenues to fraud each year. Small businesses are the most susceptible to theft due to lack of effective internal controls. Service Scouts can investigate and analyze suspicious employee activities.
In most states, there is no special training or licensing for providing mystery shopping services. However, that is not true for the State of Nevada. Service Scouts has obtained a Nevada
Private Investigator license so that they can provide mystery shopping services in Nevada.